
How to design RC planter

The following is documentation of what I’ve learned from proposing and supervising the making of typical Reinforced Concrete (RC) planter boxes. It shall be continually updated accordingly.

Open Planter = Planter with soil mix directly connecting to the earth
Closed Planter = Planter with Slab underneath the soil mix (like a pot)

You may learn how to design a RC planter box from the following scenario and case studies:
(Do correct me if I am wrong on any aspect)

Scenario 1: Raised Open Planter with Seating Ledge

Scenario 2: Small Closed Planter

Scenario 3: Raised Open Planter for Bathroom

Planter is raised so there will be a difference of 450mm soil level in height, in order to allow the planting of short and dense shrub to provide privacy to the Open Bathroom.

Scenario 4: Large Open Planter as Garden

Scenario 5: Small Open Roadside Curb Planter

With the examples of 5 scenarios above, I believe you would have sufficient info to customize the way of designing planters that suit the specific context of your project

here are some questions you may ask when designing a planter:

1. What’s the planter box for? does it have more function beyond housing plants? (seating, privacy, shading, etc)

2. what type of plant is to be in the planter box? shrubs or big trees with huge roots? how much water does the planter box need to contain?

3. should the planter box be raised, sunken, open, or closed?

4. how would the planter box discharge its internal water?

5. Do we need to worry about the planter box getting overflowing with rainwater? How fast should the water within the planter be discharged away?

6. Do we need to planter box to be waterproofed? from within or from outside?

7. whats the finishes on top of the planter box and its surrounding?

8. Is there any lighting design to integrated with the planter box or with the plants themselves?

9. how would the plants get irrigated? automated sprinkler, garden tap, or manual pale watering?