

how you treat people and how you make people feel will be remembered for life

although humans grow, mistakes are made, and apologies may be given, certain damage will no longer be curable

there is no excuse for ignorance, adolescence, or innocence that makes certain actions forgivable

actions speak of one’s character

a good character treats people equally and with respect

a good character does not abuse their power when they have power at hand

a good character protects with their knives from the stronghold, not one who uses the knives against the weak

a good character understands the responsibility of their power and knowledge, and serves the people who grant them their power

a good character would stand strong at the front during a crisis and is willing to lead when they are being called for

a bad character bullies and intentionally harms others

a bad character gains pleasure from others’ dismay

a bad character shows a good facade, yet stabs at one another behind their back

be a good character